Most simple ELK stack solution for independent developer
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Most simple elk stack solution for independent developer
I’m a IT consultant and independent developer. There are so many different projects I have developed for such a long time and most of these projects don’t have lot traffic. So I think this solution is the most simple.
TLDR: All project got a filebeat container to watch log files and send to a SINGLE ELK sever(Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana all in one).
Open income 5044 port for Logstash. Highly recommend to open specific ips.
Increase vm.max_map_count.
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//The vm.max_map_count kernel setting needs to be set to at least 262144 for production use sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Most simple authorization, use Nginx to redirect request from 80 to 5601(Kibana). Set username and password in Nginx for authorization, so that you don’t need to deal with X-pack.
Edit filebeat.yml. Change host and port of target elk server, default port is 5044. Change tag of inputs section. It’s used to distinct from other project’s log. My name rule is hostname+project_name.
Config log path of host to watch in docker-compose.yml, add volume like below, first one is log path of host.