Who am I
Sherllo Chen
Full-stack Developer / Independent IT Consultant / Head of R&D Center
- Email: sherllochen@gmail.com
- Github: https://github.com/sherllochen/
- Blog: https://sherllo.com
Creed: A programming language is just a tool, learning skills and passion are the silver bullet.
- Over 9 years of extensive experience in the field of both back-end and front-end development.
- Tech stacks in web development began with VB(ASP),and then C#(ASP.net), and then Ruby(Rails) & Javascript(jQuery/Vue). Nowadays focus on Ruby & Javascript.
- Some experience(2 projects) with Android and iOS before 2012.
- Experience in developing and consuming RESTful API.
- Understand and advocate TDD, keep improving test coverage with RSpec. Start using Cypress in front-end e2e testing.
- Familiar with MySQL/Redis.
- Familiar with using Docker in both development and production, have built some Docker Compose templates(include Docker files for Rails, Nginx, MySQL, Redis, Webpack).
- Build own ELK(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack solution with Docker. Use filebeat Container to watch production log from Nginx/app. Use ELK to act as centralized logging storage and debugging.
- Always using Github for version control and team collaboration, has collected and defined best practices of Git workflow.
Skill Set
- Programming Languages: Ruby, Javascript
- Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap
- Database: MySQL, Redis
- Deploy: Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx, Puma
- Testing tools: RSpec, Cypress
- OS: macOS, Ubuntu
- Editor/IDE: Vim, VS Code, Rubymine
Main Project Experiences
1 | All projects below are developed by me or by my small remote team. My responsibilities include client communication, business analysis, requirements collation, prototype design, architecture design, backend & frontend development, etc. |
- Integrated business collaboration application for a truck-airline transportation company.
- Integrated business collaboration application for air cargo transportation company.
- Integration solution for translation e-commerce, includes an online shopping website, management application for customer service, WeChat mini program tools, and API platform for third party.
- Web crawler and tagging application for professors researching public affairs.
- Application for data collecting, tagging, analysis, display for professor researching international arbitration.
Infrastructure for Personal Development
- Base rails app template integrated authentication, authorization, logging, API, base UI, deployment, etc. (doing)
- The rails engine of general utilities(doing).
- Authority management based with devise, pundit.
- Serve bespoke lighting manufacturer. Communicate and work closely with managers and staff from all departments, develop the strategy for improving communication and collaboration efficiency, reducing cost. Delivering a comprehensive proposal combining the most appropriate tools to solve different pain points, such as low code platform, customized ERP.
- Serve boutique hotel chains and educational institutions. Analyze business logic and requirements, assess the pros and cons between SaaS solution and delegating to customized development, select appropriate SaaS vendor by evaluation in technology/cost/user experience.
- Serve administrative department in the university. Lots of work in these departments are data collecting, exchanging, and approving. which are mechanical and inefficient. I utilize the ability of a low code platform to implement some app rapidly and cheaply. Solving data centralization, workflow within different roles, and outer application integration in one solution.
Team Management
- Act as the head of R&D Center in an AI-based machine translation solution company.
- Recuring developers, from 7 to 30, including algorithm engineer, translation engine training engineer, backend engineer, frontend engineer, testing engineer, UI designer, and operation and maintenance engineer.
- Standardized development process, trying to bring in the concepts of agile.
- Construct team fundamentals, such as unifying collaboration tool(Teambition/Gitlab), dockerizing all project environments and practicing CI/CD, accumulating general utility libs in the backend, frontend, ops, and testing, etc.
Other Experiences
- UNV online volunteer. Act as a mentor, teaching base web development skills for Nigeria youth.
- Invited to Conduct lectures for universities and companies, whose topic is about advanced use of macOS and building an efficient personal system for knowledge/task management.
Job-related Skills
- The notion of “lean startup” is deep in my mind. From project architecture to button placement, every requirement must keep the focus on user value.
- Outstanding communication and requirement analysis skills.
- Good product sense what is especially reflected in UX design.
- Self-driven people, GTD embracer. Life, working affairs are all well structured with digital tools, such as notion/calendar.
- Read lots of books about agile, always practicing in personal development, but haven’t in teamwork yet.